tails and tales
Animal Xing
Five weeks, Wednesday, mornings & evenings June 2 -30. 6 1hr appointments available each week.
COME ONE COME ALL COSHOCTON — The Pom is teaming up once again with Coshocton Public Library, Clary Gardens, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum and Roscoe Village to offer exciting learning experiences for children grades K-6. Our take on the Library’s Summer Reading program theme “Tails and Tales” is Animal Xing.
Pom artists will be out in the artPARK under the “big top” tent working with children (and families) to create an animal island — a magical place you can visit anytime through the summer with your friends.
Who will you be on our island — what sort of temperament — what sort of things will we fill our island with so lots of villagers will want to visit?
Want to be a part of creating this public art piece? We’re inviting friend and family pods to make appointments Wednesday morning or evening on a weekly basis June 2 – 30 — $1 per person — Pods can be up to 9 people but less is fine. Reserve your spot now below, you can pay when you come.