What is a public space without people? “HERE” is a collection of portraits pasted on the old Park Hotel wall documenting who uses the PARK space and what they do in it.
Thanks to Novelty Advertising Co. for sending us a link to the Inside Out Project and for partnering with us to get folks “HERE” up on the wall.
Want to be on the wall? Come to one of our PARK events or take a closeup self portrait and send it to us with a description of why you were in the PARK space and the date.
Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013
Faithe was the sewer on the Root Ball Park Team. She brought her son and his family to see the Root Balls.
Joe came from Chicago to check out the Root Ball bags his mother made
Lily came with her dad from Chicago and played on the Horse Excavator
Annie came with her husband Joe
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013
Amie brought her children and their friend to see the Movie HUGO
Dougie came with his mom to see the movie HUGO
Lillie came with her mom to see the movie HUGO
Naomi came with her mom to see the movie HUGO
Alecia came with her friends to see the movie HUGO
Elvis came to see the movie HUGO
Monday, Aug. 5, 2013
Jim took a 360 degree photo of the PARK space. He’s from Dayton and tours around Ohio looking for interesting places.
Friday, Aug. 2, 2013
First Friday Celebration
Lydia handed out Habitat for Humanity Information
Amanda had a beer in the beer garden and talked about her kids playing in the PARK space
Sudeepa had a beer in the First Friday Beer Garden
Scott had a beer and drew a rhino with Matt Bustillo
Donovan is a member of the Root Ball production team and came to First Friday Celebration
Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013
Haylee came to the Glow Party
Harvey came to the Glow Party with Haylee and his wife Jessica
Jessica came to the Glow Party
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Jessie organized a yarn bombing
Adrianna was one the yarn bombing team
Issabella was on the yarn bombing team
Emmilia was on the yarn bombing team
Briana was on the yarn bombing team
Hannah was on the yarn bombing team
Rachel was on the yarn bombing team
Friday, July 26, 2013
Jim checked on the Root Ball trees. He’s a retired arborist and a member of the Root Ball Park Team.
Angie brought her children for a scavenger hunt
Haley came for a scavenger hunt
Russ came for a scavenger hunt
Wade came for a scavenger hunt
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Austin came to Night of the Living Dead
Dustin came to Night of the Living Dead
Lucian came to Night of the Living Dead
Sarah to Night of the Living Dead
Carson came to Night of the Living Dead
El came to Night of the Living Dead
Greg brought his kids to Night of the Living Dead
Alesea came to Night of the Living Dead
Jennifer organized Night of the Living Dead with her Coshocton Public Library Teen Group
Kristi organized Night of the Living Dead
Chris came to Night of the Living Dead
Jared came to Night of the Living Dead
Ryan came to Night of the Living Dead
Megan came to Night of the Living Dead
Tammy brought her kids to draw
Sara had lunch under the shade sails
Miles helped lay brick
Matthew taught drawing
Logan drew
Lexi drew