WEAVING: What came first the hat or the placemat?
WEAVING: what came first the placemat or the hat?
limit 12 people ages 10-adult (younger children welcome if accompanied by an adult)
Sundays, Oct. 26 & Nov. 2, 1-4pm, 2 three hour sessions
$40. As always our Friends get a $5 discount and a hug when they come in the door:)
click here for info about our exhibition featuring Tony Bible’s work
OK. So you can weave (or maybe you can’t but you want to know how)–there’s nothing that will move you toward making a better basket* faster than a creative exploration alongside a master of the trade. You can expect to leave this class with 1. a finished object of strength and integrity, 2. a knowledge of weaving techniques & pattern making with color and 3. having learned something about the very tricky task of coercing a fundamentally flat technology into a 3-dimensional form-i.e. a basket (see footnote *).
To reserve your space–send us an email pomerenearts@gmail.com. Let us know how many people will be coming and the best way to stay in touch with you. We’ll keep you updated on how many people have registered.
* …or hat..or any other object of your choice
other workshops with Tony Bible