
  • Children

    POM THEATRICALs — Frog in the Pond

    POM THEATRICALs — Frog in the Pond is an all-around arts education experience for children designed to encourage a broad range of creative expression through the visual arts, storytelling (drama), movement (dance), and sound (music). It’s a collaborative effort calling on all creative skills. Ingredients for frog in the pond Matsuo Basho’s most famous Haiku translated by Alan Watts The old pond, A frog jumps in: Plop! Paintings by Claude Monet — most famous painter of ponds A trip to Clary Gardens to paint pictures of the pond there A live frog Sugar Lift Etchings by frog lover & famous Australian artist John Olsen Slow-mo video of frogs jumping Assorted simple rhythm…

  • Save the world stories

    SAVE THE WORLD STORIES — with your friends

    SAVE THE WORLD STORIES — with your friends YOUNG POM ARTISTS CLUB led by Anne Cornell with guest artists Grades 7-12, $5/week 12:30-2pm, Wednesdays June 7- July 26 Building on their manga/anime drawing skills, young artists will explore making and animating shadow puppets to tell SAVE THE WORLD STORIES. We’ll be paying particular attention to the German artist Lotte Reiniger who created the first full length animated film—20 years ahead of Disney’s Snow White! Check out the videos we posted on pinterest.  The animations the young artists create will be posted on YouTube and projected in the artPARK. Speaking of shadows and how stunning they can be at night…here’s a picture of our new interactive…

  • Children


    Butterflies and Poppies, Vincent van Gogh [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons For the third year running we’ve taken our summer programming cue from the Library’s Summer Reading Program theme. 2017—Build a Better World.  AND…Since we’re excited about the butterfly enclosure coming to Clary Gardens June 28 – July 2 we’ve gotten specific.  BUILD A BETTER BUTTERFLY WORLD. And…we think we should build a better world for butterflies— They make us happy with their beautiful colors and their wandering, weightless flight. They are great pollinators and serve as natural pest control agents which makes them environmentally useful. When you see lots of butterflies, they signal a healthy ecosystem. We’ll work with young artists to make super-sized flowers…